Site in Development

Nothing on this page is final

Sticky's Resupply Logo for hiking hikers
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This is a work in progress!

I’m still working out kinks in the website and building inventory. I hope to start publicly testing the site in mid-2024

What is Sticky's Resupply?

Sticky's Resupply is an online store built solely with long-distance hikers in mind. The market is saturated with plenty of gear and gadgets, but fails to focus on fulfilling hikers' needs while actually hiking. This is the issue Sticky's Resupply hopes to solve.

The Problem at Hand

Hikers lack easily accessible, inexpensive, lightweight, and most importantly, nutritious food. Choosing between preparing food and mailing it to ahead, or winging it and getting creative in gas station mini-marts.

Mailing food in advance is generally the preferred option, it's tastier, healthier, denser, and easy to make sure you're getting enough calories. However, due to a few major issues, it's inaccessible for most hikers.

Mail Drops

Mail drops require a lot of planning in advance. For new hikers and experienced hikers alike, it's very difficult to know how fast you'll be hiking while on trail, and therefore know how many boxes you'll need to send. It's time consuming preparing and dehydrating all your meals, and after all of that, you still need to resort to your local grocery store for snacks.

Worst of all, postage is very expensive, taking up to 7 months off work is expensive enough. For many hikers on a tight budget, mail drops are simply out of the question.

The Solution

Sticky's Resupply aims to close the gap between mail drops and winging-it. Offering the freedom of winging-it, while also making sure you get a proper resupply. We let hikers choose what they need from our catalog and add it to a meal planner. The meal planner lets hikers easily calculate the weight and calories of each day. For items that you don't need planned out, the meal planner has an "Extra Items" area. Great for fuel, hand sanitizer, and the like.

No More Worry

Stop worrying that your package will make it to the right location, we’ve got lists of post office and hostel addresses. All you need to do is pick where you’re sending your box to and pick it up when you get there.

About Us

Sticky on his climb up Mt. Katahdin

Sticky's Resupply was born from ideas I had during my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. After finishing the trail, I worked to transform those ideas into a reality.

Sticky’s Resupply is located in central Massachusetts and like all good things operates out of a garage. The site has been made from scratch because I believe that this service needs to be fast and efficient to be successful.

My goal is to get hikers excited to resupply and reduce the in-town stresses of long-distance hiking